These are the comments I left at regarding the proposed FDA regulations.  You can leave your comments HERE. I strongly suggest you do the same…

My name is Phil Busardo. I was a pack a day smoker. More on the weekends. I went through a few different brands including Salem Ultra Lights and most recently Marlboro Lights. I started when I was around 17. As I write this, I’m 45 & married

I was able to successfully quit once for nearly a year, until my Grandmother (Nana) passed away and went right back to it.

I tried the patches, gums, and Chantix. The only thing they were successful at was robbing me of my hard earned money

I started doing research on electronic cigarettes after hearing about them on the web. Research began around March of 2009. I researched both devices and the risk reduction of electronic cigarettes. I purchased several different el cheapo models to see if I could make the switch. I thought the sensation was pretty good and decided that I would try.

After doing even more research, I decided to go with an original 510 manual. I went cold turkey on July 7th, 2009. I have been a happy vaper and have not had single analog (real) cigarette since. Not one for 4 years, 9 months, 29 days at the time of this email. It works.

Months after I started vaping, I noticed a few things. First, EVERYTHING tasted better! In my case, not necessarily a good thing :-). So my sense of taste along with my sense of smell improved. Second, I didn’t become winded as quickly as before. I could work in the yard or around the house without gasping for air. Finally, after a night out of heavy smoking, that first deep breath of the morning would hurt. I think many of you current and/or ex-smokers know what I’m talking about. Since vaping, NO MORE!! I could take that first deep breath of the day without any pain.

Since I’ve been vaping I also take far less sick days and don’t get nearly the number of upper respiratory tract and chest infections that I used to.

When I first started, I used an 18mg nic level. I’m now down to a 12mg with plans to go lower.

In the beginning, the only thing I wanted to vape was a liquid that reminded me of a Marlboro Light. Now, it’s the last thing I want. I enjoy fruity and bakery type flavors. Somehow my taste buds have survived my adolescence and I continue to enjoy different flavors. The wide variety that are available keep me interested, happy, and stop me from going back to cigarettes. Preventing the flavors will only drive people back to cigarettes.

The only ones who are marketing electronic cigarettes to children are YOU and the MEDIA because you keep bringing it up with no evidence based on reality that it’s being done. You assume it’s being done due to the flavors, however… ADULTS LIKE FLAVORS TOO. As seen by the numerous flavored alcoholic products currently on the market. Are those being marketed to children as well?

Regarding the safety of e-liquids and children… I’ve seen the reports, I’ve read the articles. A teaspoon of e-liquid could harm a child. So could a t-spoon of rat poison or lemon scented bleach. Best bet is to take some responsibility and keep them out of reach of children as we should do with any substance that can be dangerous to a child. This is common sense and responsibility. Something we are lacking as a society. We love the word “blame” we hate the word “responsibility”. Do NOT punish the majority for the stupidity of the minority.

Vaping is the first viable solution to the health risk of cigarette smoke. Prove to me and to many fellow Americans that you’re interested in our health and well being and NOT greed and money. Do the research required to fully understand that vaping is not our enemy, it is our salvation. Do the research on the many studies that have been done that prove vaping is a safer alternative to cigarettes with no concerns from second hand exposure. Do the research required to make an educated decision and not one based on hearsay or conjecture. A small sample of that research can be found here:

Testing must continue. If there are problems, FIX them, however DO NOT put obstacles, road blocks, and financial burdens in the way of the one thing that has been successful for so many people… Vaping.

It is creating jobs.
It is putting money into our economy.
It is potentially saving peoples’ lives.
It works on so many levels.
Don’t take it away. Don’t make it hard for us. Don’t make it expensive for us.

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand this. Please restore my faith in our government which has been lacking of late.

I thought it curious that when I published this, I received the following:

Your comment will be viewable on after the agency has reviewed it, which may be an indefinite amount of time. Use your tracking number to find out the status of your comment.

My guess is, that’s the same amount of time that will be required to get a new item through the FDA for the proposed approval process.

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Author: pbusardo