From Dave

This one meant a lot to me. Thought I’d share. Thanks Dave…

Hi Phil,

Sorry in advance for the long email.

When I met you at Vapecan last year, while we were talking a guy came by and said “Hi Phil I’m a big fan” and you said “Don’t be a fan, be a friend.” A few months later on your taste your juice website, you were talking about people sometimes calling you Pete or Paul or even Dick (Ok that was only one guy). It reminded me about my father. He was born Cyril Sydney Ball in 1922 in Cape Breton. As a teenager, he and his friends spent a lot of time at the beech. His friends noted that Dad had skinny legs and a large body and when he ran around on the beech, he looked like a Sand-Peep (small sea bird). They started calling him “Peep” as a joke. As new friends joined the group they misheard the name and thought it was “Pete.” Soon everyone was calling him Pete and he didn’t bother correcting them. I didn’t know his name wasn’t Pete until my late teens and started working at the same company as him. All these guys were calling my Dad Cyril. When Dad passed away in 2000, I had to publish his name as Pete in the paper so people would know who I was talking about. I asked Dad one time why he never corrected people about his name. He said that it didn’t matter what people called you as long as they called you friend. So take from that what you will. Just remember that what is really important is that you are a friend.


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Author: pbusardo