A BATTERY MOOCH POST: iJoy 40A 4200mAh 26650 Bench Test Results…overrated but a great 30A battery!

Bottom Line: This iJoy cell’s 40A rating is exaggerated. This is incredibly frustrating because it’s the first 30A 26650 I’ve ever tested and no exaggeration was needed! Why the hell do companies like iJoy still think they need to do this to sell batteries?

This is the first 26650 I’ve tested that acts like an 18650. Its internal resistance is lower than many of the good 18650’s and it held its voltage well. At 30A/100W pulsed it ran approximately 75% longer, and 0.15V-0.20V higher, than the Basen and Brillipower 4500mAh cells down to 3.2V. It doesn’t match the appearance of any other 26650 I have so I don’t know where this cell came from.

The 26650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.

Test results, discharge graph, photos: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/ijoy-40a-4200mah-26650-bench-test-results-overrated-but-a-great-30a-battery.764411/


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Author: John Muchow