A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Cylaid 35A 2600mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…just a very overrated 25A battery

This Cylaid is an overrated cell with a useless pulse rating. At its claimed 35A continuous rating its temperature rose above the boiling point of water, reaching the dangerously high level of 111°C. This clearly shows the claimed 35A continuous current rating is ridiculous.

While this cell has the claimed 35A rating in fine print on the wrap it has an even more useless 50A “max pulse discharge” rating on the wrap too. It also features “50A” in a larger font which many people will use as the cell’s rating when shopping or when a vendor displays it on their web site. For these reasons I feel the large “50A” rating, or any “pulse” rating, is misleading and shouldn’t be used.

This Cylaid matches the Sony VTC5A in appearance and in performance.

I am rating this Cylaid at 25A and 2600mAh.

My thanks to Cylaid for donating the two cells for testing! (https://cylaid18650.en.alibaba.com)

Test results, discharge graph, photos: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/cylaid-35a-2600mah-18650-bench-test-results-just-a-very-overrated-25a-battery.800717/

All my test results to date: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/blog-entry/list-of-battery-tests.7436/

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Author: John Muchow