A BATTERY MOOCH POST: AWT Red 35A 3000mAh 18650…ridiculously overrated, not IMR

This cell has “35A” on the wrap, a useless overrating. It’s not even close to its true rating and can’t be a “pulse” rating because we don’t know the pulse length, the time between pulses, or the criteria used to set the rating. This means we can’t use the rating to compare this battery to any other…it’s useless.

The wrap has “IMR 18650” on it but this cell does not use the battery chemistry often associated with the IMR model number prefix. It uses the chemistry associated with the INR prefix.

This AWT performs identically, and appears identical to, the Samsung 30Q. I am rating this AWT cell at 15A and 3000mAh.

The two cells that were tested were purchased for that purpose by me.

Test results, discharge graph, photos: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/bench-test-results-awt-red-35a-3000mah-18650-ridiculously-overrated-not-imr.829827/

All my test results to date: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/blog-entry/list-of-battery-tests.7436/

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Author: John Muchow