From Christine

I’ve been an avid vaper now for 5 years, I’d like to share with you my vape story.

I see to be an extremely heavy smoker going through Three 50g pouches of Tobacco in Several day’s.

Diagnosed with a benign Tumour in my spine only a year before and, eventually being taken in to A&E on numerous amounts of time for chest x rays and, ending up on ‘alot’ of steroids for the severe chest infections/my chest as to the point of the sensation of an Elephants foot upon me, along with numerous health issues including RSD.

I had to quit the stinkies as to help avoid the Tumour turning (i still have to this day).

Vaping saved my life, no more dreadful hospital trips, i can now reach 95% on the Asthma peak flow. I have nothing but great things to say about my vape journey since.

Author: pbusardo