NEW FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Case Closed | Study Shows No Lung Damage From Vaping

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

No lung damage. That’s the key finding from the first of its kind long-term study investigating the health impacts of vaping.

Conducted by Dr. Riccardo Polosa, world-renowned researcher and director of the Institute for Internal Medicine & Clinical Immunology at the University of Catania in Italy, the study measured and tracked the health outcomes of a cohort of daily e-cigarette users for 3.5-years.

The results shatter the myths promulgated by public health propagandists in the Progressives’ war against vaping.

Get the story in this exclusive interview with Dr. Polosa—only on RegWatch by

Produced by: Brent Stafford

Released December 19, 2017



Schizophrenia. It’s one of the most challenging mental illnesses to treat as thought, emotion and behavior is held in fine balance and is easily knocked out of whack.

Nicotine and the ritual of smoking play an enormous role in helping schizophrenia patients cope with their illness and experts say nicotine replacement products such as patches, gum and sprays are ineffective treatments.

Could vaping be a magic bullet? Find out in this exclusive interview with Dr. Riccardo Polosa, world-renowned researcher and director of the Institute for Internal Medicine & Clinical Immunology at the University of Catania in Italy.

Produced by: Brent Stafford

Released December 19, 2017

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Author: pbusardo