From Frank

Hi Phil.

I just want you to know this.

I have been a smoker for 16 years, when i unfortunately began when i was 12 years old.
I`ve tried everything to quit smoking, but without success until i finally, after
several weeks of reading and searching on google found your channel on YouTube.

Thanks to you and your recommendations, I took the big step and bought me a Vamo V5,
when i felt this was a nice start in the right price range for me.

I`ve been following your videos in over 1 year now and i feel my health is so much
better after i started vaping.
I have more energy, better appetite and much more joy in my everyday life.

Thanks to you Phil!

Continue with what you do, you are changing the lives of many smokers and vapers out

And again, Thank you!

Author: pbusardo