A PBusardo Video – The Most Important Vape Trick

NOTE: I’m getting a ton of messages from folks who want to use this video, share this video, download and subtitle this video.
The answer is yes, Yes, and more YES!!
Share and use away!

I had this idea when I was in Greece. Actually woke up with it in my head and told Dimitris about it.
I put up a request for vape trick videos this morning.
Michael Lee was the first to respond and when I told him what I was up to, his response was…

Love the message you are putting out there and definitely want to be a part of it.

Respect to you Michael and I’m looking forward to seeing you and maybe even joining you on-stage in Paris!

To all those who have contacted me with their videos since Michael came forward… a sincere Thank You!

Michael’s Instagram:
Michael’s Facebook:
Michael’s YouTube:

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

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Author: pbusardo