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The Smoov E Cig

The Smoov E Cig



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The Boge Revolution V2 Vs V2.1 Video Version V1.2

The Boge Revolution V2 Vs V2.1 Video Version V1.2



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The Innokin 510T

The Innokin 510T


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21st Century Smoke Express Kit

21st Century Smoke Express Kit


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Smoktech eGo & E-Powers 14650 & 18650

A PBusardo Review & Comparison – The Es – Smoktech eGo & E-Powers 14650 & 18650



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Boge Revolution V2

Boge Revolution V2

On Battery Capacity. WARNING – Don’t shoot the messenger! I have no affiliation with Boge! I’m just doing the footwork to get these questions answered for you and hopefully clear up some confusion 🙂

The ORIGINAL batch production had batteries that were 550mAh.
According to Boge, the factory mislabeled the batteries as 500mAh as all their testing confirmed they were 550mAh.
The SECOND batch production (including the one I got) has a 700mAh battery, NOT 650mAh as specified on their website. They’ve fixed this on their sites.
The V2.1 (which is also coming my way for review) will have a 1400mAh battery, and will obviously cost more.

I’ve told them that this misinformation is causing confusion and some animosity in the vaping community and they are aware and are trying to remedy it.

I’ve also told them those folks who got the initial batch with the 550mAh batter in it are rightfully angry that that the second batch has a 700mAh in it. They are completely aware of this and have learned from this mistake. According to them, they will not let something like this happen again.

See a photo of my batt here:…



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The Volt E-Cig from Smokeless Image

A PBusardo Review & CONTEST! – The Volt E-Cig from Smokeless Image


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The Lea E-Cigarette from Innokin

The Lea E-Cigarette from Innokin


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The Leo Electronic Cigarette and Leo Cartomizers

The Leo Electronic Cigarette and Leo Cartomizers


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