Posted in Success Stories

From Matthew

Hi Phil

I sent you an email back in 2013 to thank you for the role your videos played in helping me give up cigarettes, two years later and i’m glad to say that beyond a couple of times when nostalgia got the better of me, and i’m still vaping away.

I remain a big fan of your videos, and watch them religiously. You made a comment in one of your recent ones along the lines of “it’s not about blowing clouds, it’s about getting people to quit smoking”.

I couldn’t agree more!

Posted in Success Stories

From Larry

Hi Phil,

I have been watching your reviews since I found your site a little over 3 years ago. I enjoy all the stuff you do, even stuff I might not have an interest in. I just wanted to tell you that I think that this review was quite possibly the best one you’ve ever done. I was intrigued for the whole hour and 18 minutes! It wasn’t so much the Endura, but more so the delivery. It reminded me so much of your older video’s. It was just nice to see you explain everything for the smoker who wants to quit and for the beginning vaper. Your were right on the mark with this one!!! Great job!! As always thanks for everything that you do for the vaping community!


Posted in Success Stories

From Andy

Phil I have vaped for 3 years now, I used to get bronchitis every winter, having smoked for 25 years I think I was a clear candidate for CLPD or worse. Every year my bronchitis seemed to get worse and worse.

Since I have stopped smoking I haven’t got bronchitis. I really feel like vaping saved my life. The best and worst part of me starting to vape is that my now 6 year old daughter doesn’t have asthma anymore. I only say worst because it proof that our smoking caused it. We never smoked around her directly but we would smoke in the car and house if she wasn’t around.

So if you are on the fence about quitting I hope my story pushes you in the right direction.


Posted in Success Stories

From Annalisa

It’s been almost two months since the first time I contacted you. I had so many
questions, as I transitioned from vape pen style vaping, to a box mod, and I
don’t think I can ever thank you enough for the time you took to ask questions,
offer advice, and provide much needed information. Your videos are the
highlight of my week, and now that I understand how that information impacts my
vape experience, they are truly enlightening.
It was my goal to take the information you provided, along with that I gained
through other sources, and pass it on to my family, most of whom are long time
smokers. As of Thanksgiving, my brother is vaping on an iStick 60w TC that he
purchased when the subox kit I gave him unexpectedly died. My parents have eGo
Mega Devices now, which they are going to try, with my brother’s assistance. I
do not know if they will enjoy vaping, but the fact that they are willing to
try is both a gift and a reason to hope. I am so glad there are sites like
yours where they can go for information, not just about advanced vaping, but
what many people consider “beginner stuff”, after all, we were all beginners
As for my own journey, I discovered that I like flavor, above all else, and
wandered into the realm of RDA’s. Tonight, I built my very first coil, closely
followed by my second. I’m learning to build on a velocity mini clone I found at
a local vape shop. One of the employees there held my hand while I built those
coils and installed them into the deck. The feeling of accomplishment from having
her say that they were “pretty” for a first attempt was like… Well, honestly,
it was like the first time I had a pita puff up in the cast iron pan. It’s silly
to say, but it’s almost like magic.
I appreciate what you do for the vaping community, from your reviews, to
actively posting information regarding vaping advocacy. It’s also a pleasure to
see you joking, teaching and sharing on facebook. I’m not sure if your family
likes baked goods, breads, cookies, those sorts of things, but if you would be
amenable, I would very much like to send you a gift basket of homemade goodies.
Please let me know.
In the meantime, I offer you my gratitude.

– Annalisa

Posted in Success Stories

From Waylon

Just wanted to say keep it up and threw my vote your way. I love what you
do, you entertain and teach at the same time. If it hadn’t been for your videos I
probably wouldn’t have stuck with vaping. Have a great Christmas and I look forward
to another year of info and reviews (maybe 2016 is the year of the 3000).

Posted in Success Stories

From Carl

Hey Phil,

It’s been a while, so I wanted to send an update and thank you. We exchanged emails briefly a little over a year ago when I was (looking back now) still pretty new to vaping. It’s been a year filled with highs and lows, both of which back when I was a smoker would’ve had me reaching for a Marlboro. I’m happy to say I haven’t even been tempted since discovering my old VTR, that awful\leaky tank it came with, and your channel.

I’ve also been pretty involved in advocacy here in Chicago (cook, ugh), brining myself and as many vapers as I could to local hearings regarding vaping regulation and taxation. I’m not sure if it’s doing any good, but it’s worth fighting for either way. I’ve given away more mods\tanks\atomizers than I can count (I guess that’s one positive of these vendors releasing a new product twice a day), and switched a good amount of friends\coworkers\family from tobacco to vaping, even if it’s just part time (more than a few went from hookah to vaping cold turkey, which surprised me).

Long story short, NONE of this in the last year would’ve happened without your videos, knowledge, and encouragement. This “hobby” has grown into a movement of people taking their lives and health back, and a VERY large part of that is due to your work.

Thanks again for everything you do Phil. I really can’t understate how much you’ve helped me and many others. I’ll always be a friend (and a fan, I’m pretty sure you’re allowed to have fans now) of you and the community you’ve helped create.


Posted in Success Stories

From Rami

Hello Phil,

I’ve been watching your videos for almost 4 years , and although I have portrayed my appreciation for your hard work on your YouTube videos before (username zanzabar7878), I wanted to take a moment and explain to you just how important you have been in my vaping journey over the years.

Where I live, vaping products are banned, as is importing via mail. The only way i can get mods and attys are when my brother visits from the US. That means I can only get one mod/atty a year, two on a good year. If I get something and i end up not liking it, i’m screwed till next year.

This makes having someone like you, who is trustworthy, meticulous with a great deal of knowledge even more important.

I’m happy to say i’ve been very happy with every single product i’ve purchased based on your recommendation. You have been and will continue to be a major factor in keeping me off cigarettes, for that I thank you.

I’m sure your videos are equally as vital to those on a limited income who cannot afford buying a new product every month.

Keep up the good work Phil, looking forward to your upcoming Mouth to Lung clearo comparison 🙂

Best Regards,


Posted in Success Stories

From Andrew

Phil, I just want to tell you thank you for everything that you’ve done.
You and a few others have inspired me to become smoke-free and start vapeing. If it
wasn’t for your words of wisdom and knowledge of all products that you have reviewed
I would probably still be smoking cancer sticks. When I first started they be if it
wasn’t for your words of wisdom and knowledge of all products that you have reviewed
I would probably still be smoking cancer sticks. When I first started vapeing I had
just a standard 500 mAh ego battery and the original kanger aero tank with The
delicious bobas bounty but I wanted something a little better and more Advanced so
I watched a few of your videos and found the cool fire 4 and a RDA and started
building my own coils. Thank you for putting out the such great reviews and giving
people a little bit of knowledge before they buy to make their personal experience
better. since then I have gotten my mother to quit smoking and started fighting on
my old ego and aero tank set up. So we just wanted to say thank you and please do
not quit reviewing these products. If it wasn’t for you and many others like you
people would still be smoking and not know the benefits of these Life saving

From your faithful viewer,

Posted in Success Stories

From Ray

Good evening Phil,

No questions or comments for ya this time. Just wanted to say I really appreciate the work you do and outside of vaping hope all is well. You may not think so, but the vape community would be a much different place and much worse off without you in it. All the hard work you do for all of us and yourself, I don’t think we can all thank you enough. Ah crap I guess I did have a comment…oh well. Take care sir.

Posted in Success Stories

From Robert

I just finished watching your second episode for the DNA-200, and I just wanted to say thank you. I see all of the effort you put into your videos and I wanted you to know how grateful I am. I have vaping for about four years now and I look to you for information on ways to enhance my vaping experience. I am in love with temp control but I cannot use nickel, i am allergic to it. I don’t know if vaping it would hurt me but prolonged exposure of it on my skin cause a painful rash so I’d rather not attempt it. I went with an evic vt to do titanium, but after your last videos see myself going to a Dna-200 when i can. Sorry going off topic, Again I just really wanted to thank you for everything you do for us as a community, you’re changing people’s lives by the thousands and I just wanted you to know it is appreciated.

Thanks Again,