Posted in Recent News Smoker's Show Feedback Success Stories

From Mark Dobbs

To Dimi, Phil and Bill, (The Smokers Show)

Apologies for the very long letter before we even get started. I just have so much to say. Please read to the end, I start with my story, then get to the point.

Let me start by saying I am a veteran vaper. My 5-year anniversary of being smoke free is coming up on March 8th, 2019. For me the switch happened almost instantly. I was a 2 pack a day smoker for 21 years with NO intention on quitting. Rolled my own and all because it was a lot cheaper. Let’s face it, I was a smoker and I enjoyed it! Was at a wedding with my wife for her family. Sitting with one of her cousins from California. He was puffing away the whole time on this little stick battery. Then here we are having to go outside, freeze our ass off after dinner to go smoke a cigarette. I started asking questions and he explained everything to me. I decided to try it. What the hell, even if I could puff inside in between cigarettes, or when it was nasty outside that would be cool!

Picked up a gas station cig-a-like. Blu, if my memory serves, was ok, held me over if I needed it to but sure as hell wasn’t close to getting me off cigarettes. It was enough to peak my interest tough, so I started doing research and who did I find…… Phil Busardo Mr. Taste Your Juice. The logo and catch phrase alone had my interest. I started watching every review you posted.

Quickly got an ego with a 510 tank. (can’t remember the name of it but it was on Phil’s best of page) The package came in on a Wednesday, I put it all together and started fiddling with it. Of course, smoking the whole time. Trying it out. The juice that I ordered was a straight up menthol. I thought that it was ok. Way better then the gas station brand. Anyway, I brought it along with me the next day, using it when I wanted a smoke and could not because of where I was. That night I decided to happen by a vape shop. Picked up a higher strength juice 24 mg instead of 18 that the menthol was. Tried a flavor too, Raspberry tea!

Got home that night and tried it out, it was great!!!! Still had a cigarette, before bed that night though and the next morning when I got up. Then I said to myself, try this thing all day. I did and had no interest in a cigarette. That night before bed I did have a cigarette, just because. The next day, I decided to try it all day. I could not believe that I got though my morning coffee without a cigarette, that has not happed in 21 years. I used the vape all day and all night. Kept it going all day Sunday! Sunday night I was sitting there watching TV, vaping away. My wife sitting beside me smoking away. (I could not convince her to try it.) I was just going to have a cigarette, just because. I lit it, took one drag, said OMG that’s discussing! Put it out and I have not touched a cigarette since. That was March 8th, 2014.

Through the years I still watched every posting Phil made. Checked out a few other reviewers too. (When Phil is too busy to post) Upgraded equipment, tried 100’s of juices. By the way Phil, Tribute, still my all day vape, because of you, all you my friend! Got the wife fully off smoking about a year after me, was hard to find the right combination for her. Which brings me to the point of boring you with my story.

I felt that you needed to understand my vape journey to appreciate what I am about to say. I have been following The Smokers Show, of course, from the first episode. Appreciating what you guys were attempting to do. Get people off smoking, I personally have converted about 20. Working on a few more. Anyway, the advice that is given on the show is unparalleled by anyone. Presented in such a comfortable environment, with comic relief sprinkled in. Truly an asset to Tobacco Harm Reduction, obviously the government doesn’t give a shit, but we have you guys fighting the good fight and doing a great job!!

I started having an issue at work. I am so busy now that it’s hard for me to find the time to get outside and get a good vape in. My carvings where to the point I could not concentrate. I was watching a Smokers Show with Phil and Bill, and there was discussion about nicotine strength.  Talking about how is ok to go up in strength if you need to or you’re not satisfied. I have been a 12 Mg vaper since that first year. I weaned myself from 24 to 18 to 12 rather quickly. Tried 8 but was no go. 12 does just fine. So, because of the increased cravings at work and very little time to vape, I changed my daytime vape to an 18 Mg, still 12 when not at work. BINGO, no more cravings at work. The 18, during the little time I do have, gets me through until I can vape again.

Then another show, talking about duel users. Which I am. I mouth to lung vape 90% of the time. However, every now and then I do like to pull out my direct lung device and blow some clouds. I always kind of kept that to myself and at home. Rarely pulling it out, to do tricks basically, or show off. After watching the Smokers show I decided to get a new rig and give direct lung a good solid chance. Mostly because of cleansing the pallet, a way to avoid vapers tongue. WOW found a new love for it. So now I carry with me both devices and use them all day long.

I guess the point of all this is to let you know that The Smokers Show is not only helping smokers switch to vape, but helping current vapers get even more of an education so that we can have an incredible vape. You guys are doing an amazing job!

In conclusion (I know about time), I can’t thank you enough. For not only saving my life but changing it forever. You see, 7 years ago my wife and I finally got to a place where we could try to have a child. We tried for 2 years, had 2 miscarriages and were about to give up. Then March 8th, 2014 happened. (the day I quit smoking) A month and a half later my son was conceived. Mark Dodds Jr. born December 21st, 2014. Who knew, smoking influences on sperm count and made it so that we were unable to conceive. Like I said, you not only saved my life, you changed it forever!

Now my little buddy is getting ready to turn 4 and waiting for Santa. I have a beautiful family that I will be around now for much longer for and I a lot healthier taking care of them. Words do simply not exist that describe the appreciation that I have for you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and please keep up the work that you do!

I know that you hate this Phil, but I have to say it, I am a fan. You never take credit for all the good that you do. Every time someone thanks you for helping them quit, you tell them it wasn’t you, it was them. NOT true you deserve a ton of credit. You deserve all the credit that you are ever given. Without you, I would not have been able to quit, let alone have the family that I have.


Mark Dobbs


Mark, this letter will go down as one of the best Christmas gifts I could hope to receive this year.  Your words mean everything to me (and I’m quite sure Dimitris and Bill as well) and I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to write them.  I am so happy and honored to have been able to positively affect you and your beautiful family.

This letter epitomizes why I get up every morning and continue to do what I do and it gives me the strength and purpose to carry on.

But you know, I still have to say it.   I appreciate you being a fan, but I would MUCH rather call you my FRIEND!

Thank you to you and your family and I wish you all nothing but the best for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Posted in Recent News Success Stories

From Darryn

I started vaping over two years ago but within the first year I was diagnosed with COPD but was told by my doctor down here in Texas that he would much rather vaping than for me to be smoking cigarettes, I am now working on my third year and everyday I feel that much better but I still have that damn diseases but as he stated to me ” although you had been smoking and now you vape your lungs sound like you had never picked up the first cigarette”!

Posted in Recent News The Smoker's Show


The Smoker’s Show Episode #21

Live on location from Naples Vapor, Cape Coral Florida!

In this episode…

  • We meet Jackie from Naples Vapor and hear her history in vaping and of the shop.
  • We meet Mitch and hear about his journey with vaping.
  • We “role play” a smoker coming into the shop and the experience they SHOULD have.
  • We discuss dual use and how you can change dual use from “e-cig and cigarette” to “e-cig and e-cig”.
  • We answer your questions and take your calls.

A sincere THANK YOU to Jackie and Naples Vapor for keeping the shop open late for us!

The Smoker’s Show is a vape show not for vapers, but for smokers.

A show to get information about vaping, to debunk vaping myths, to discuss vaping terminology & technology, and to look at and review starter kits for the transitioning smoker.

We urge all vapers to invite those they know who still smoke to watch the show!


Thank you all for your support and let’s convert more smokers together!

Thank you to and please support our Sponsors!


The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s and Dimitris Agrafiotis’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

See all the Episodes HERE.

Posted in Recent News


Click the flyer for the show link:

Posted in Recent News Smoker's Show Feedback Success Stories

From Cathy

I just wanted to let you guys know that the Zenith tank is the best one I
have ever used. I am trying to quit smoking. I am 45 and smoke a pack a day since I
was 14. I have 2 young kids. I started a little late but they hate me smoking because
they want me to be around. I have listened to your guys shows while I am working.
Great information. You guys are so humble it’s really great to listen to. You are
helping a lot of people. I shop online for products because in Sarasota fl where I
live they do not have products for smokers at least the ones I been in. I will be
getting another one of your tanks to use a higher nicotine with tobacco flavor per
your advice for when you really want a cigarette. I have been really trying to find
out what works for me. Hope to become a vapor soon instead of a duel user. Just want
to truly thank you for what you guys do. Thank you, Cathy

Posted in Rebuildables Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Stattqualm SQuape N[duro]

In this video we take a look at the newest member of the SQuape Family, the SQuape N[duro]. We also add more to the stocking!

The Links:

Origin Vape

Thank you to and please support the premier TYJ Sponsor… LUNAR ROVER!

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

Posted in Recent News Smoker's Show Feedback Success Stories

From Bre – A Smoker’s Show Viewer

So my dad (Doug) got his starter kit (Innokin T18) from you today. I was at work. I get home hes got it set up with the juice you sent. and he’s puffing away. He’s already sent me on the web to order him a pack of extra coil heads and some more Lunar Rover tobacco juice. He also asked me about getting another starter kit from Innokin.

I cant thank you enough! I have been trying all the wrong things to get him off the stinkies… I think this one will actually work for him. Thank you!

I’m ordering him another one! He wants one on his desk and one to keep in his truck for work!

Also, thank you Dimi and Bill! I am forever thankful that you guys are here in support of smokers!

Posted in Recent News Success Stories

From Denis

Hey Phil and Dimitris!

Since Christmas is just around the corner, I want to wish you both the best of time with families and friends. You have no idea how many lives you have saved. All your dedication to your passion have and will continue to extend the lives of thousands of people.

You have no idea how much I love you and the attention you give to me when I need it.

I will reach my 4 years without any tobacco cigarettes in 3 months and it has changed my life. You guys are not taking the credit you deserve.

Have I saved money buy stopping smoking? No because I’ve bought and am still buying vaping gear, but I DO NOT SMOKE.

Thank you both and please continue to do what you do. Even if everybody stops following you, you will still have a fan.

– Denis

Posted in Recent News

LATEST FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Killer Ads | FDA Admits Youth-Targeted Ads Discourage Adult Smokers from Vaping

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

Just days following the launch of its first youth-targeted, national anti-vaping ad campaign, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration revealed it would not be running television ads on mainstream media. Why?

Millions of Americans both young and old are now familiar with the TV spots which deploy the unsettling visual metaphor of an organism invading the lungs, bloodstream and brain of youth who experiment with e-cigarettes.

It’s a powerful TV ad with a message so troubling FDA now admits, if adult smokers see it, they could be discouraged from trying e-cigarettes as an aid to stop smoking.

It’s a startling admission by the regulator.

Join RegWatch on location in Austin Texas for the 2018 SFATA “Save the Vape” Conference and hear why Mark Anton the executive director of the Smoke-Free Alternatives Trade Association calls FDA’s anti-vaping rhetoric “reprehensible”.

Only on RegWatch by

Produced by: Brent Stafford
Released: December 13, 2018

Posted in Is It Safe Recent News

THE 510 REPORT WITH GRIMM GREEN – Vapings Biggest Enemy PART1

Very rarely do I watch or share other reviewer’s videos. The reason is simple. I like to keep my ideas and perspective of products my own and I don’t like them influenced by what others have to say.

Although Nick is a fellow reviewer and someone I respect, I’ve decided to share his latest 510 Report video here.

First, Nick’s “510 Report” are not review videos, they are advocacy and news videos about vaping.

Second, this particular episode speaks to something I’ve always believed in and have shared on many occasions… Big Pharma is our biggest enemy and a powerful one they are.

So have a look at this video and see if you agree. I’ll post part 2 here when it is released as well.

Thanks for doing these Nick and I hope you continue your efforts in this space!

Here’s where you can find more Nick “GRIMM” Green:

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The Video: