Posted in Recent News

NEW FROM SMOKE FREE RADIO – Repeal and Replace Possible?

Here’s the latest from Dimitris & Smoke Free Radio.  It’s a very interesting discussion with Mark Block regarding the possibility of repealing and replacing the current FDA regulations on electronic cigarettes.

* Guest Mark Block founder and director of the Electronic Vaping Coalition of America joins us to discuss his Regulator Watch appearance. Phone lines will be open for questions or comments.
* New segment, “What’s in the news Bill”
* New York threatens to eliminate vaping while cigarettes are sold at every corner
* Are vape events on the rise again?

Listen to “#smokefreeradio “Repeal and Replace possible?”” on Spreaker.

Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Zippy 40C 1800mAh 3S LiPo Pack Bench Test Results…only a 17C/28C pack, but an ok one

Bottom Line: This Zippy is a ok performing pack but it is overrated.

Vaping at its 72A (40C) rating, which I am presuming is a useless “pulse” rating and not a continuous current rating, would quickly bring the pack voltage down to about 10V and quickly heat the pack up past the Zippy’s max temperature rating unless vaping slowly. This cannot even be considered a 40C (72A) pulse-rated pack unless the pulses are short and far between and you don’t mind the huge voltage sag at 72A.

CAUTION: LiPo’s use the most volatile of the Li-Ion battery chemistries and can cause extreme injury if abused. Never use a LiPo unless the cells, wraps, wiring, and connector are in perfect condition. Never exceed the CDR of the LiPo unless you understand and accept the risks involved. You are responsible for your own safety, be careful!

My Ratings:
Capacity = 1800mAh
Continuous Discharge Rating (CDR) = 30A (17C)
Average Pack IR = 18.6 mOhms
Average Cell IR = 4.8 mOhms
Dimensions/Weight = 107 x 36 x 21mm / 149gms

IR = Internal Resistance
mOhms = milliohms

Test results, discharge graph, photos:

LiPo ratings table:

All my test results to date:

Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Venom FPV Drone 50C 1800mAh 3S LiPo Pack Bench Test Results…only a 17C/28C pack, but a decent one

Bottom Line: This Venom is a decent performing pack but it is overrated.

Vaping at its 90A (50C) rating, which I am presuming is a useless “pulse” rating and not a continuous current rating, would quickly bring the pack voltage down to about 10V and quickly heat the pack up past Venom’s max temperature rating unless vaping quite slowly. This cannot even be considered a 50C (90A) pulse-rated pack unless the pulses are short and far between and you don’t mind the huge voltage sag at 90A.

CAUTION: LiPo’s use the most volatile of the Li-Ion battery chemistries and can cause extreme injury if abused. Never use a LiPo unless the cells, wraps, wiring, and connector are in perfect condition. Never exceed the CDR of the LiPo unless you understand and accept the risks involved. You are responsible for your own safety, be careful!

My Ratings:
Capacity = 1800mAh
Continuous Discharge Rating (CDR) = 30A (17C)
Average Pack IR = 16.8 mOhms
Average Cell IR = 4.2 mOhms

IR = Internal Resistance
mOhms = milliohms

Test results, discharge graph, photos:

All my test results to date:

Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Turnigy 20C-40C 1800mAh 3S LiPo Pack Bench Test Results…only an 11C/22C pack

Bottom Line: This Turnigy is an average performing pack but is overrated. At 36A (20C), Turnigy’s continuous current rating, it reached about 10°C over the pack assembler’s limit and was puffed by a decent amount (temporarily) indicating that the cells were being overstressed. This cannot be considered a 20C continuous-rated pack.

Vaping at its 72A (40C) “pulse” rating would quickly bring the pack voltage down to about 10V and quickly heat the pack up past Turnigy’s max temperature rating unless vaping quite slowly. This cannot be considered a 40C pulse-rated pack.

CAUTION: LiPo’s use the most volatile of the Li-Ion battery chemistries and can cause extreme injury if abused. Never use a LiPo unless the cells, wraps, wiring, and connector are in perfect condition. Never exceed the CDR of the LiPo unless you accept the risks involved. You are responsible for your own safety, be careful!
My Ratings:
– Capacity = 1800mAh
– Continuous Discharge Rating (CDR) = 20A (11C)
– Average Pack IR = 19.6 mOhms
– Average Cell IR = 5.1 mOhms

IR = Internal Resistance
mOhms = milliohms

Test results, discharge graph, photos:

All my test results to date:

Posted in Recent News

A MESSAGE FROM CASAA – NY – It’s time to pick up the phone! – PLEASE TAKE ACTION!

A.3009B isn’t just an outrageous tax on e-liquid, it’s also an indoor vaping ban.

It’s tempting to say that this is being snuck in under cover of a must-pass budget bill but, it’s right at the top of Part FF in A.3009. So in addition to making vapor products more difficult to purchase, Governor Cuomo wants to make it less attractive to vape overall.

Even if you don’t agree with vaping indoors, you might know that the ability to vape where we can’t smoke is something that attracts smokers to a very low-risk alternative. You might also agree that a blanket ban on indoor use–without consideration for whether or not private businesses would like to set their own vaping policy–is, undoubtedly, overreach. Especially considering that, from a scientific perspective, the risk of exposing bystanders to harm is not a concern.

The proposed 40c/mL tax is enough to oppose A.3009, Part FF, and the indoor use ban is adding insult to injury.

Please help us remove Part FF from the budget.

Call Asm. Peter Lawrence (R)

At (518) 455-4664

  • Urge them to oppose Part FF in A.3009.
  • High taxes on vapor products will discourage smokers from switching to a safer alternative to cigarettes.
  • Briefly, share your story about switching to vaping.
  • Tell them that the very low risk to bystanders justifies allowing private businesses to set their own indoor vaping policies.

Thank you, and good luck with the call.

Alex Clark

CASAA Executive Director.

Posted in Recent News


They said we wouldn’t finish it.
They said we shouldn’t wait for film festivals.
They said it wouldn’t win awards.
They said the media wouldn’t pay attention.
They said nobody would come see it in theaters.
They said we wouldn’t get it out to the world.
They are wrong.

At every turn, we took the necessary time to do things the right way. We did what we said we’d do.

We made an award-winning film. We were on national news. We showed the movie to politicians & thought leaders. We brought 100,000 people together.

Now it’s time to show the world.

The Plan

It would have been nearly impossible to fight against the massive river of election and post-election coverage. Nobody in government was listening.

Now the US elections are finished and it’s back to business. There will be a new leader at the FDA. New legislation is pending. Changes are happening in Europe as well.

It is clear that the masses are upset. They are tired of being ignored.

We have friends of the truth in high places, such as my Senator in Wisconsin, Ron Johnson. He continues to fight for this, as do others around the world.
However, in a sea of issues like terrorism, the economy, and immigration, we need to make the case that this topic is vital…that people like you care about it.
Here’s how we’ll do it:
Step 1) With your help, we’ll rise to the top of the iTunes movie charts, drumming up interest to release the movie wider, and broadcast it on major TV networks and streaming sites.
Step 2) Use proceeds from sales to properly market the movie to the public.
Step 3) With your help, we’ll use that momentum to gain awareness and give our friends in Washington, Brussels, and around the world more credibility.
#1 Movie on iTunes is about Vaping?

Can you imagine that?

Along with the awards and press we’ve gotten so far, having the #1 movie on iTunes (largest market for digital media) will be a way for this topic to break the credibility barrier for the key people who can make a difference in this fight.

People like to watch and recommend popular movies. Sites like iTunes use sales data to suggest popular movies.

It just takes an initial push to get there.
There are documentary films on the Top 10 charts and we’ve timed this to fall on a slow day for movie releases. All of your pre-order sales will hit the charts when it goes live on April 12th.
Please support the #ABillionLives movement and order it. Now is the time. This is our last chance to make news.

If we are successful, we will give our high level friends the social credibility they need and provide a small army of supporters with an anti-propaganda weapon in their pocket.

But it all starts with you.

Google Play, Amazon, and Others
Of course we won’t stop with iTunes. That’s just the beginning.
We’ve also received word that we’re about 98% finished with the approval process for Google Play and Amazon. Other platforms are in the works as well.
We’ll keep you updated.
Collector’s Edition Blu-Ray
We know that most people prefer to consume their media digitally. We also know that many have asked for physical copies they can send to skeptics and local leaders.
Shops:  We are now finalizing bulk wholesale orders for stores and online retailers. Reply to this email if you’d like more information. We’d invite you to help us get our physical products out to the masses.
Consumers:  Once we have the final list of retailers, we’ll send it to you to order your personal copy of the collector’s edition Blu-Ray.

Netflix, Hulu, HBO, & More

Ultimately, we’d like to see the movie on more streaming services. It’s been tricky.
In the meantime, we’re excited for the movie to be broadcasted so the truth gets presented in front of the general public.

Our new broadcast distributor has been discussing A Billion Lives with HBO, AMC, MBC, YLC, MediaLaan, RTL, ProSieben, Telefilms, Bell Media, and Turner. In addition, they plan to bring our movie to Cannes next month for meetings with more key people.

This could be huge.

Next Steps:
  1. Order A Billion Lives on iTunes
  2. Share the trailer we just posted
  3. Join the movement on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram
Take part in our three week march to #1. We’ll be releasing new videos, sharing special highlights, and gearing up for our final push to get this in front of as many people as possible.
It all starts with you. We need our base to support us and drive the first wave. Once we show the power of this movement, the public will follow.

There is a battle for attention at the top. Leaders are being elected around the world to make change. We just need them to hear us.

You are a storm. They will hear you if we act together. We cannot let our neighbors fall prey to fake news and propaganda.

This is too important.

Talk soon,

Aaron Biebert
Posted in Recent News


Please share this with any and all NYS E-Cig & E-Liquid companies and shops…


Jake asked me to send out a reminder of the organizational call taking place this afternoon (at 4:30 p.m. EDT) regarding protecting NEW YORK. Please register here:

Also, take a listen to the attached video about what VTA is doing to help grow strong and independent state vapor associations, Listen to what three of the 20 independent state vapor associations leaders we are working with have to say about how joining with VTA was one of the best decisions that their groups have made:

Hope you can join the call at 4:30 p.m. today.


Tony Abboud
Executive Director
Vapor Technology Association

Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Colt Volt by VIVAPPOWER.

In this video we talk quickly about Innokin’s E-Liquid, do a full review on the Colt Volt by VIVAPPOWER, then kick off a new (not a) contest to give one away.

Hey Neil Shaw! Thanks for confirming the TC issue/bug when the resistance is locked. It’s both good and bad. Good because it proves I’m not losing my mind, and bad because it’s a serious and dangerous bug.

The Links:
Origin Vape

Post Review Follow-up

  • 3/22/17 – Following the review of the VIVAPPOWER Colt Volt, I notified them about the issue with device when in resistance lock.  I heard back from them and they did acknowledge and confirm the issue:

Phil, Very appreciated your review report, I just watched it. your review report is very professional and give me much guideline.

We checked our software, and find out the old software version has a bug on resistance lock. The chipset actually don’t read the current resistance when the resistance has been locked. We upgrade the firmware, it has been solved.

I followed this up with a question about those who have already purchased the product and what they could do.

If those people want to return it, we can accept it. and we will send the updated software to our distributer, the end-user could send the products back to distribute to updated firmware for them. Our USB port can updated software directly.

So it sounds to me like this DOES have updatable firmware and I’m trying to get more information for you on where to get it and how to do it should you not want to return it. Stay tuned!

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

Posted in Recent News


A TasteYourJuice welcome to VaporDNA, the latest addition to the “Trusted Vendors” section you’ll find in the left sidebar and  scroll down below the Advocacy section.

I’ve worked with them on a few reviews now, they have a great selection of products, I’ve met and talked with Mike… the man behind the site (he even translated for me and Dimitris in China), and I’ve read through some of their positive customer service stories and ratings. Welcome!!

Posted in Recent News

A MESSAGE FROM TONY ABBOUD FROM THE VTA – Calling New York Vapor Companies

Would love to see everyone in NY COME TOGETHER for this!

Calling New York Vapor Companies –

New York vapor companies are under attack and we need to get organized.   VTA invites you to an on-line meeting to discuss the state legislative threats confronting the industry.

Please register for New York Vape Meeting on Mar 20, 2017 4:30 PM EDT at:

Jake Butcher, VTA’s State Affairs Manager, will discuss the unprecedented attacks facing New York vape companies, including A. 3009 – a proposal to tax vapor products at 75% of their wholesale price as well as a tax of 40 cents per milliliter on consumable product.  In addition, A 3009 defines vaping as smoking for purposes of indoor use laws, and prohibits coupons or price reductions.

Please join manufacturers, wholesalers, and shop owners to discuss this and other attacks on the vapor industry in New York.

Join the call to discuss how to start an independent state vapor association and fight back!

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Thanks for joining in!

Tony Abboud

Executive Director

Vapor Technology Association
