Hey everyone! A fellow reviewer, HonestVape is doing a giveaway for a starred Caravella #105.

Typically I don’t post things like this, but how and why he’s doing the giveaway grabbed my attention.

He’s trying to bring awareness to the CASAA organization and get their membership up to the 10,000 they’re looking for.  I’m sure it won’t hurt his subscriber count either ;-).

The CASAA Mission Statement:

Our mission is to ensure the availability of effective, affordable and reduced harm alternatives to smoking by increasing public awareness and education; to encourage the testing and development of products to achieve acceptable safety standards and reasonable regulation; and to promote the benefits of reduced harm alternatives.

So to enter the contest…

  1. Subscribe to CASAA HERE.  There is no cost involved.
  2. Take a photo or screen capture proving your membership.  You MUST be a member BEFORE doing the following…
  3. Watch, like, and comment on the video HERE.
  4. Subscribe to his channel HERE.

The contest runs until February 14th at noon.  He’ll hold a random drawing on the 16th.

Good luck everyone and way to bring attention to CASAA Mr. HonestVape!


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Author: pbusardo