From Butch

Phil, Just wanted to take a minute to thank you for your time and
dedication to the education of new and veteran “vapers.” I came to vaping as a
non-smoker. My parents were heavy smokers and I have always hated the smell of
tobacco. I have never tried a cigarette. However, for many years, I have been
suffering from a gastric condition that has been very frustrating and difficult to
control. As a sort of “last resort” my gastroenterologist suggested that I try
nicotine to help alleviate some of the symptoms I experience. I did some research
and decided to try a vaporizer and it has made a huge difference in my quality of
life. Your videos paved the way for me and I’ve not only gotten relief from my
medical condition, but also found a fun and enjoyable hobby. Thanks again and I
look forward to watching more of your great productions. Regards, Butch

Author: pbusardo