Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Vapcell 20A 5500mAh 26650…best performer for up to 20A/60W

This is a great performing cell that will give you more vaping time than any other 26650 I’ve tested recently if you are at 20A/60W or lower. At power levels above this the 4200mAh-4300mAh cells based on the YDL 26650D are a better choice. This does NOT include the poor performing, and preposterously overrated, Efest 35A/50A 4200mAh 26650.

The capacity for the two Vapcells I tested was 5870mAh and 5879mAh at 1100mA (0.2C) down to 2.5V. This is fantastic consistency for a China manufactured cell and they easily exceeded their 5500mAh rating. I am rating these cells at at Vapcell’s rating of 5500mAh to prevent confusion but they are clearly higher capacity cells.

Two cells were purchased for testing by me.

Ratings graphic:

Full Test report:

I want to work for the vaping community full time! If you feel what I do is worth a couple dollars a month and you would like early access to battery availability, battery and charger testing and news, and a say in what I test, then please consider becoming a patron and supporting my testing efforts:

These tests only note the ESTIMATED ratings for these batteries at the time I tested them. Any battery that is not a genuine Samsung, Sony, Murata, LG, Panasonic, Molicel, or Sanyo can change at any time! This is one of the hazards of using “rewrapped” batteries or batteries from other manufacturers so carefully research any battery you are considering using before purchasing.

Misusing or mishandling lithium-ion batteries can pose a SERIOUS RISK of personal injury or property damage. They are not meant to be used outside of a protected battery pack. Never exceed the battery’s continuous current rating and keep the plastic wrap and top insulating ring in perfect condition.

Any rating in my ratings tables can change at any time as different grade cells appear on the market, we get swamped with fakes, or new information becomes available to me. Please, never assume that the ratings in the tables are permanent and will never change! Always download the latest version before considering any cell purchase.

To see how other cells have tested check out this link:

Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: UK [Battery Safety Guidelines]

“There have been rare incidents of E-cigarettes or “vapes” exploding and seriously injuring people. It has been suggested that battery-related issues may lead to vape explosions. Follow safety advice from OPSS and our partners to take charge of e-cigarette battery safety.”


Take charge of battery safety when using e-cigarettes

Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: ALBANY, NEW YORK [Consumer Based Products Vs. BT Interests]

“Both the tobacco and e-cigarette industries, which has the Capitol hallways filled with industry lobbyists, centers on efforts by some key state lawmakers who want to put a major dent in tobacco and vape companies’ financial bottom lines by banning or restricting popular flavored products. While some consumers may think vaping and tobacco interests work hand in hand, the two sectors are working very much on their own in this 2020 confrontation in Albany and, increasingly, jockeying against each other over who might come out on the losing end of this debate. A flavor ban on vaping products, beyond the recent partial federal prohibition involving flavors from cherry to coffee, appears the more likely route before session ends in early June, especially given publicity over high teen vape usage. The tobacco industry’s main mission with any flavor ban: Get menthol exempted from such a prohibition.”


Lobbyists line up as Albany clash over flavored tobacco, vaping intensifies

Posted in Recent News

FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Facts First | B.C. Vapers Call for Balanced Regs | RegWatch

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

Vapers, vape shop owners, and harm reduction advocates in British Columbia attended two rallies on Saturday—one in Victoria and the other in Vancouver—to call on the B.C. provincial government to protect the rights of vapers and adult smokers to choose a less harmful alternative to smoking.
RegWatch caught the Vancouver rally and grabbed great interviews with Dr. Mark Tyndall, Saadiq Daya, and more. Here’s our report hot off the presses.

Released: Saturday, February 16
Produced by: Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by: STLTH

Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: WHO [Deceptive Misinformation & Claims]

“Local vaping groups have criticized the World Health Organization (WHO) for publishing “an atrociously erroneous” question and answer (Q&A) page on electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes, or vapes). “The Q&A has nine questions and every answer the WHO provides is filled with false, misleading or simplistic information,” said Peter Paul Dator, president of The Vapers Philippines. “We have always questioned the WHO’s competence in tobacco control, particularly in recognizing tobacco harm reduction as a public health strategy and the potential for new technologies, such as e-cigarettes, to reduce smoking-related harms. By publishing this disgraceful Q&A on e-cigarettes, the WHO violated every precept of responsible science communication and sound policymaking,” said Joey Dulay, president of the Philippine E-cigarette Industry Association.”


Vaping groups hit ‘erroneous’ WHO Q&A on e-cigs

Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“Effective July 1, 2020, an excise tax is levied and imposed on sales of e-cigarette liquid at the rate of $1.00 per milliliter or fraction thereof, or if not sold, then at the same rate upon the use by the wholesaler or dealer. For purposes of this article, any distributor, dealer, subjobber, subjobber dealer, retailer, or any other person that imports or transports e-cigarette liquids into this state, or that causes e-cigarette liquids to be imported or transported into this state, is hereby deemed to be a wholesaler for purposes of this section and is liable for the tax imposed under this article. No wholesaler or other person may purchase e-cigarette liquids from any seller not approved by the Tax Commissioner. E-cigarette liquid mixing kits and e-cigarette liquid mixing kit components shall be taxed in accordance with the amount of e-cigarette liquid, in milliliters, that can be produced by or from the kit or components thereof, as determined by the Tax Commissioner.”



Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: CHINA [Vape Product Factories Still Closed]

“Many Chinese factories remain closed, and there is widespread fear that vaping hardware won’t be shipped to the U.S. until as late as April. The city, which connects Hong Kong to China’s mainland, is commonly referred to as the “vaping capital of the world.” But the coronavirus virus had transformed into an epidemic, and few people were returning to work, on government orders. About 90 percent of the world’s vaping and e-cigarette hardware is produced in Shenzhen, in close to 1,000 factories. If the Chinese government keeps many of its citizens away from work for much longer, there could soon be a significant delay on shipments of vaping products, if not an outright shortage.”


Coronavirus Could Lead to a US Vape Shortage

Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“The public has never been more misinformed about vaping with stories ranging from heart problems to lung disease. The corrupt MSA-fuelled (Master Settlement Agreement) American measures have been replicated around the world, and people (in ever growing numbers) actually believe ecigs are more dangerous than cigarettes. This has sparked a bizarre turn of events as investors pile their investment money back into Big Tobacco.”


Anti-Vape Attacks Fuel Big-T Stocks

Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has opened a docket to obtain data and information related to the use of vaping products that are associated with e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury (EVALI). This request for information responds to direction from Congress to gather information from the public that could help identify and evaluate additional steps the FDA could take to address the recent lung injuries associated with the use of vaping products and to help prevent similar occurrences in the future. The FDA is seeking unpublished data or information related to the use of vaping products that are associated with recent lung injuries including information on specific chemicals, compounds, ingredients or combinations of ingredients that when inhaled or aerosolized, may be associated with EVALI symptoms, as well as product design and potential ways to prevent consumers from modifying or adding substances to these products that are not intended by the manufacturers.”

BILL TARLING – Unfortunately, the agencies continue to misue the generic usage of “vaping” to conflate the legal adult nicotine based E-liquid Vape Products [EVP] with the illegal THC products that are causing the illnesses and deaths


FDA Seeking input

Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: COLORADO [Nicotine Free Employees Hiring Policies]

“Centura Health, one of Colorado’s largest health systems, made waves when it started testing for nicotine and refused to hire those who tested positive back in 2014. As of this year, King said Centura Health decided to change its policy. Instead of turning away job candidates who test positive for nicotine, King said those candidates can now be hired and would be given optional resources to quit if they are brought aboard. Contrary to popular belief, King also said the health group did a review and found that not hiring nicotine users didn’t lower health care costs for its employer-provided health insurance — which is often the No. 1 driver for companies considering these policies. Colorado’s lifestyle protection law states that employers can’t fire an employee for what they do “legally” outside work, but it doesn’t say anything about hiring. “You can be discriminated [against] for legal activities outside work before you’re hired,” said Kevin O’Brien, a workplace expert and business law associate professor at the University of Denver.”

BILL TARLING — Sadly, Colorado anti-vaping regulations are forcing more and more vape shops out of business, which means the State is removing one of the most successful tools to help create ex-smokers


U-Haul’s move to stop hiring smokers reignites debate in Colo. about nicotine-free hiring policies