Ok! Here is the deal…

David Norris has graciously invited me to attend the White Rose Vapers Club Meeting that will be held on April 14th in York PA. It’s a trek, but it is drivable for me and I think I may have my second wind coming off of VapeFest and VapeBash so… I’ve decided to attend!!

Here is the info:

April 14th, Cobblestone’s Banquet Room, 205 S George St, York, PA 17401, from 4pm until 9pm. At 9pm the room opens to the public (private for the vape meet until then) and a DJ starts playing music. Walk up the staircase, located inside, on the left side.

By the way, this almost didn’t happen because Dave said, and I quote,

“Rob from Bluemist Vaping regularly attends our meets. I will be happy to ask him to bring some more Crab Juice along just to sweeten the pot!”

Dave, if Rob from Bluemist shows up with Crab Juice, the pot may be full, but it won’t be sweet :-).

So… come out, hang out, get to know your fellow vapers, share stories, and of course… VAPE!!
Let’s make this their biggest event yet!

Don’t forget, if you have friends who smoke, bring them along! Let’s spread the word and get people started on the road to a healthier lifestyle.

I will, of course, be bringing cameras and shooting video to share the experience with you.

I’m very much looking forward to meeting everyone there!

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Author: pbusardo