VTA’s  Next  Level  Thoughts  on  the  Deeming  Regulation

From the Vapor Technology Association (VTA):

On May 5, 2016, the Vapor Technology Association (VTA) issued its Initial Thoughts on the Deeming Regulation.   As noted, the 500+ pages of Deeming Regulations and guidance documents are very complex and require significant analysis.   We have prepared for you our next level thoughts on the Deeming and hope you find it helpful.  Rest assured, this will not answer all of your questions.   However, VTA has assembled a group of FDA and regulatory experts in Washington, D.C. on June 7 and 8, 2016, who will be able to provide specific practical information on how to survive in a post-deeming world.  Very shortly, we will be providing more details on our conference.  Click here to learn more: VAPE & THE FDA: Understand It.  Manage It.

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Author: pbusardo