An Important Message From Gregory Conley, President of the American Vaping Association (AVA)

Over the next 27 months, there are going to be a lot of well-meaning (but ultimately dangerous) people that are going to try to promote events asking vapers to protest at the FDA, White House, Congress, etc.

Unless it is an effort that major advocacy groups are involved with, I strongly encourage you to not to participate in these events (and urge others to focus their efforts in more productive places). There are numerous potential problems with such an event, especially one that is hastily thrown together with no real plan.

Additionally,I want to even more strongly urge vapers not to fall for PR traps, like the FDA saying they’ll allow you to “interview” them. It will not turn out good. At all.

When such an event is proposed, please look into the person hosting the event. Is he or she really a positive representative of the vaping community?

Gregory Conley
President — American Vaping Association


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Author: pbusardo