A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Busbars 25A 1750mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…accurately rated 25A, fantastic battery!

Bottom Line: This Busbar cell is a great performer and is accurately rated at 25A. I gave it an 1800mAh capacity rating, a bit higher than the claimed 1750mAh. It lists both the continuous and pulse ratings on the wrap and is the first cell to also list the pulse length and duty cycle for the pulse rating! This is fantastic and is a great step towards completely open and accurate cell ratings, thank you. The criteria for the pulse rating isn’t known (temperature? cycle life? voltage sag?) but the voltage at 50A pulsed is good and is comparable to, or better than, other cells rated around 25A.

It’s supposed to be a “hybrid” chemistry cell (sometimes called INR), but its discharge curves are much more like an ICR cell than other hybrid cells like the 25R and VTC4/5. Like an ICR its voltage holds pretty steady before quickly dropping as the cell approaches empty. I haven’t directly compared Busbars against the Tesiyi 40A 2600mAh or Aspire 40A 1800mAh ICR cells but hope to do so soon.

Test results, discharge graph, photos: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/busbars-25a-1750mah-18650-bench-test-results-accurately-rated-25a-fantastic-battery.749931//



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Author: John Muchow