US Surgeon General declares e-cigarettes are a public health concern. But where is the evidence of harm?

Here is an excerpt from a recent article published by Dr. Farsalinos…

By Dr Farsalinos

Today, the US Surgeon General released a report about e-cigarettes and youth (not about e-cigarettes in general). The major conclusion in the report is that e-cigarette among youth and young adults has become a public health concern. Actions like incorporating e-cigarettes into smoke-free policies, increases taxes and price, educational initiatives, preventing access to youth and regulating marketing are suggested (although the reports mentions that “actions can be taken” instead of “actions should be taken”).

Interestingly, the report was released together with a very well-designed website, with sections like “KNOW THE RISKS”, “get the facts” and “take action”. The questions are:

Know which risks?

Get which facts?

Take what actions?

You can read the entire article on his website HERE.

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Author: pbusardo