THE LATEST FROM REG WATCH – No Comparisons | Analyzing Canada’s Vaping Regs | Part 2

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Reg Watch:

Adverse impacts of new regulation are a more dramatic way to describe unintended consequences. Yet, not all impacts are unintended. After all the purpose of regulation is to change industry and consumer behavior in the marketplace. Canada’s new federal vaping regulations certainly intend to do just that.

Once passed, how would smokers seeking to quit learn about the benefits of vaping? Would healthcare practitioners have the most current information to inform their patients? Do the new regulations cripple the industry’s ability to grow?

Get the answers from regulatory legal expert Rajeev Sharma and find out why he believes the one-size-fits-all approach may not be the best option for vaping—only on RegWatch by – January 31, 2017.

There’s also a “Web-Extra” that goes along with this…

The single most powerful argument supporting the war on vaping is adherence to the precautionary principle. Simply, when a new product, policy or practice is suspected of risk causing harm to the public government rushes to ban it. Even when there is no scientific evidence proving the risk. Is this fair?

Hear what regulatory legal expert Rajeev Sharma thinks on this RegWatch Web Extra—only on – January 31, 2017.

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Author: pbusardo