NEW FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Awkward Allies | Big Tobacco talks Vaping, IQOS & Federal Regs

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch

There’s a tremendous amount of scientific research substantiating the fact this product presents less risk of harm versus continuing to smoke. Sound familiar?

If you are a vaper it should as it’s the principal argument to support vaping as a harm reduction tool in the battle to stop smoking. The wrinkle is that this assertion is made by a top executive at one of the largest tobacco companies in the world, regarding its new risk reduced tobacco product, the IQOS.

In this episode of RegWatch hear from Peter Luongo, managing director at Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc. a subsidiary of Phillip Morris International. Learn why PMI is betting its Heat-not-Burn technology, recently released in Canada, could usher in a smoke-free future.

Does Big Tobacco see common ground with the vaping industry?

Find out—only on – February 25, 2017.

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Author: pbusardo