FROM CASAA – Should NY pay more for being smoke-free? – PLEASE TAKE ACTION

We don’t think so. But, lawmakers in Albany think you should foot the bill for the state’s bad decisions.

A.3009 (part FF) would, among other things, impose a crushing 40% wholesale tax on vapor products as part of the state’s budget. The vapor tax provision of this bill would also enact stiff penalties for anyone caught trying to avoid paying the tax.

The previous email (above) had the wrong tax rate. It’s even worse.

Governor Cuomo’s Budget would actually impose a crushing 40c/ml tax on vapor. The vapor tax provision of this bill would also enact stiff penalties for anyone caught trying to avoid paying the tax.

This is not the only threat to vaping in New York but, it could be the most damaging.

Please help us defeat this tax by contacting your assembly member and members of the Ways and Means committee.

Take Action – Send a Message

Be sure to follow up with a phone call. You can find your assemblymember’s phone number here.

  1. Urge them to oppose Part FF in A.3009
  2. Tell them that a 40% tax on vapor products would deny thousands in New York access to life-saving vapor products.
    1. A similar tax in Pennsylvania has closed over 100 businesses and will fall short of raising the projected revenue.
  3. Tell your story.

Thank you,

CASAA Legislative Team


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Author: pbusardo