A MESSAGE FROM CASAA – You can help us add business names to an important letter to HHS

In March, CASAA, in cooperation with VTA and SFATA, released a letter writing campaign for consumers to send messages to HHS Secretary, Tom Price. Simultaneously, SFATA, VTA, and AVA distributed a similar letter from businesses in order to gather signatures. As a compliment to that campaign, CASAA is reaching out to our members who work in or own vapor shops and asking them to sign on to this letter.

Our goal is to collect as many signatures as possible to show Secretary Price the thousands of small businesses–and the customers that rely on them–that will be impacted by the full implementation of the FDA deeming regulations.

Here’s how to participate:

    • Shop owners: If you have not already signed the letter circulated by your trade association, please take a moment today to add your name to this letter.
    • Shop employees: Ask your manager or the owner if they would be willing to add their name to this letter.
    • Consumers: Share this engagement with your local shops. Urge them to add their name and to share this engagement with the local vapor business community. If you have a smartphone, you can bookmark the engagement and they can take action right from your phone. You can even give them this link: bit.ly/delaythefda. Better yet, write it down on a card and hand it to them 🙂


  • Consumers: There is also a letter writing campaign specifically for customers. You can participate here. We are asking shop owners to provide a small space in their shop for their customers to write their stories and send them to Secretary Price. Just like the business letter, you can share this bitly link with them if they would like to download and print the materials: bit.ly/letterstohhs.


Again, we want to stress that we are providing two distinct engagements. One is for vapor shop owners and the other is for their customers.

Shop Owners, add your name to this letter to HHS Secretary Tom Price.

Customers, send a real life letter to and share your story with HHS Secretary Tom Price.

Thank you,

Alex Clark

Executive Director


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Author: pbusardo