A BATTERY MOOCH POST: EBAT 30A 3000mAh 20700…a genuine 30A battery, same as iJoy/Efest/Ampking

While this cell lists the true 30A continuous current rating on the wrap it also has a useless “Max Pulse Discharge” rating of 40A on the other side of the wrap. Without knowing the length of the pulses, the time between them, and the criteria used to set the rating (voltage sag? vaping time? temperature?) the rating is useless.

This is a shame as it appears to be the same cell as the iJoy, Ampking, and Efest 20700’s. The EBAT uses a plastic top ring insulator though versus the paper insulator on the iJoy and Ampking. This might make a difference to those who often get e-liquid on the battery.

Three of the six EBAT’s I tested didn’t perform quite as well as the others though. This same performance variation seems to exist for the cells from all the companies wrapping this 20700. I don’t think these variations would be noticeable while vaping though as they are small at 3.2V and higher.

I am very happy to report that this cell doesn’t say “IMR” anywhere on the wrap. Since these 20700’s do not use the battery chemistry often associated with the “IMR” model number prefix there is no reason to have “IMR” on the wrap like the Efest cell does.

I am rating this EBAT at 30A and 3000mAh.

Six cells were donated by EBAT for the purpose of testing (www.ebatpower.com). Thank you!

Test results, discharge graph, photos: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/bench-test-results-ebat-30a-3000mah-20700-a-genuine-30a-battery-same-as-ijoy-efest-ampking.815501/

All my test results to date: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/blog-entry/list-of-battery-tests.7436/

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Author: John Muchow