Thanks to my fine Greek pal Dimitris, I’m getting a little bit punchy.

If you know me, you know I’m a huge fan of slotting cartos for carto tanks. Recently Dimitris sent me a little carto punch that came off the GR Modders website.

Just found out that you can get it here as well: Avid Vaper

Now I don’t know if this is the best one out there because it’s the only one I’ve tried. I also don’t know if this is available any place else.

What I DO know is that this little thing works pretty damn good. As you turn the wing nut, you can feel it piece the carto. It then stops on it’s own so you don’t have to guess how deep to go (insert joke here). It has a hole on the opposite side of the punch that you can use it to line up your holes, or as a guide for a mark. I’m able to get the holes pretty low on the carto without crushing it which could cause leaking. It also comes with a key chain ring.

So this is my second product from Kir Fanis. The first was the clear tank section for the Ody, which I love. I also have one of his “TrAp-TaNks” that looks pretty terrific and I’ll be reviewing soon enough.

AND… I know he’s working on another tank project that blew me away when I saw it.

I’m becoming a fan of this guy. Just please don’t let Dimitris know. Cause then I’ll have to hear the whole Italian vs. Greek thing and it will just give me a giant headache.

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Author: pbusardo