The Bromance is gaining “steam” (see what I did there?).

Well, not THE Bromance… that’s already going full force.  I’m talking about the Vape Bromance E-liquid!

It’s a fun line that represents our friendship and how we work together. The flavours are designed to be vaped on their own or combined and enjoyed together. We hope you enjoy vaping them as much as we enjoyed making them.

Phil & Dimitris
Vape Bromance

It all started at a Chicago Vape Bash and with our two current flavors, Strawberry Malt (Dimitri’s Flavor) and Italian Bread Pudding (my flavor).  The flavors will all be designed to be vaped on their own or mixed together to create a new flavor.

Delicious on their own and magnificent together!

If you try them on their own, I’m quite sure you’ll agree that mine it’s the superior flavor (LOL).   When you mix them together, you’ll need to add more Strawberry (try 70%) as I’m also more potent than Dimitris (LOL again).

We’ll be releasing additional flavors that will reflect the places and people we’ve been so honored to visit and meet.

We’re thrilled to have been picked up by Pacific Smoke Distribution in Canada:

Vape Distribution in the UK:

Grey Haze Distro in the UK:

Liquid Puff in Greece:


Also coming soon to Spain, Portugal, and Germany!

Sorry USA!!  Thanks to the FDA regulations, we cannot distribute here, but you can buy and try from the VapeBromance website.  Don’t be frightened by the shipping costs, it’s in Canadian.  🙂  Coupon code will be posted here SOON!

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Author: pbusardo