So we already know that not being permitted to advertise vaping as far safer than smoking by the FDA is forcing the industry to lie to consumers.

Are we being forced to do that again with this warning label?

I ask because I found some interesting information on-line…

Pure nicotine
Nicotine isn’t dependence-forming at all, outside of tobacco use. It has been found clinically impossible to show any dependence potential for pure nicotine.

None of the many clinical trials in which large quantities of pure nicotine were administered daily to never-smokers – the equivalent amount to that contained in up to 18 cigarettes, for up to 6 months – ever found any subject who showed any sign of dependence.

The leading researcher in this field, Dr Newhouse, whose day job is administering large amounts of pure nicotine to never-consumers of tobacco, says: “The dependence potential of pure nicotine is virtually nil”.

Because pure nicotine is not dependence-forming, it cannot be addictive either. In modern use, dependence means a compulsion that may be harmless or close to it, and addiction is compulsion plus clear and inarguable harm.

I found the article HERE.

Perhaps this too should be a warning?  Hmmm…

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Author: pbusardo