From Debbie (AKA Spirit Moon)

I’m 67 and started smoking in high school (in the 60’s). It wasn’t until the 80’s whenever I’d catch a cold it would turn into pneumonia, or double pneumonia or walking pneumonia. This pattern continued. I’d visit my doctor, he’d order xrays then a nebulizer treatment & write a script for antibotics.
My final visit to my doctor, he included a script for albuterol. That was my wake up call. I was ready to quit cigarettes and now it was 2012. I tried patches, chantix and acupuncture, none of which worked. A co-worker had a vape pen, so I asked her about it. The following day, Sept 4, 2012 I went into a vape shop and left with a bag full of products. I haven’t looked back. A week after vaping I felt like a new person. I have to get a shot every 5 yrs to prevent pneumonia; but it’s all worth it knowing cigarettes will never again be in my life.
I refuse to let anyone get in between me and a healthier lifestyle!

Thank you & Dimitris for all you do.
Love ya both!

Spirit Moon (Debbie)

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Author: pbusardo