Teen Vaping: What the Numbers Say

Received a good article on the “EPIDEMIC” (well, not really) of teen vaping from the Ashtray Blog.

Thank you James for bringing this to my attention.

Facts vs. Fears
Many people would love to live in a world where teens didn’t vape, didn’t smoke, didn’t drink, didn’t do drugs and didn’t do a whole bunch of things. And that’s understandable. But whatever your fears about teen vaping are – many of which are understandable – you need to look at the actual numbers to see whether they’re justified.

So this post has presented the facts and figures. How you choose to interpret them is up to you, but it seems hard to avoid the link between higher vaping rates and faster declines in smoking that jump out of the statistics, and it’s hard to argue that vaping is more of a concern than drug use or drinking, giving that both are more common.

You can read the entire article and see the numbers HERE.

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Author: pbusardo