FROM THE HARVARD GAZETTE – Want to quit smoking? Try an e-cigarette

Many of us already know this. I’m sure there are plenty who do not. Perhaps those who do not have been affected by all the biased negative information contained in mainstream media. This is one we can share.

Using data from more than 8,000 adult smokers, the investigators measured how likely a smoker was to quit smoking and stay quit, comparing daily and non-daily e-cigarette users with those who smoked only regular cigarettes. They found that smokers who used e-cigarettes every day, compared with e-cigarette nonusers, were more likely to quit combustible cigarettes within one year and to stay quit for at least another year. They also found that smokers who used e-cigarettes were no more likely to relapse back to smoking regular cigarettes than smokers not using e-cigarettes.

You can see the entire article HERE.

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Author: pbusardo