A couple Smoker’s Shows ago, that was the title of the show, “YOU ARE BEING LIED TO”.

So who is doing the lying?  Our government, our media, and the very organizations who are SUPPOSED to be keeping us safe. Lying about ALL vaping being the cause of the recent cases of lung disease and deaths. It’s not, and if you think it is, you too have been blinded by the government and main stream media’s agenda of misinformation.

Here’s just one example. Watch this and then imagine what other misinformation and agenda is being pushed by the media.

Thanks for putting this together Dash Vapes. Also thanks to 806 Vapes for not allowing this corruption to go unchecked.

A man in Amarillo, Texas was recently on the news regarding a lung illness. The news station fully blamed it on vaping. However, after speaking with the patient, some crucial information has surfaced.

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Author: pbusardo