From Javi

Today I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. I see you used your prophet powers to guess my favorite color, red! Finally my vtc mini white (the same you used for your size and weight comparison) can take a break.

The Zenith is just awesome. You can notice the love you put in it. Not a cash grab like many others, but a product to help people.

I want you to know that this present means a lot to me. Not only for monetary reasons but emotional reasons. A person that doesn’t know me, that means a lot to me, took the time to send me something.

I want you to know too that it’s not a waste. I already converted 2 smokers and I will keep doing it. It’s a life saving product and we have to fight for a smoke free, corruption free world.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Author: pbusardo