“News of spice and cannabis problems in UK and the USA comes as billionaire Presidential runner Michael Bloomberg promises to ban all vaping if he becomes POTUS. But, in Spain, the head of Bellvitge Preventive Medicine defends vaping. Also, Linda Bauld and Suzi Gage point out it’s still safer than smoking. Set against the prevailing American wind of scientific illiteracy, Josep Maria Ramón, head of the Preventive Medicine service at Bellvitge Hospital in Barcelona, spoke out in favour of vaping and tobacco harm reduction. “In the UK, vaping has been credited with contributing to recent reductions in smoking. Studies published in 2019 showed that e-cigarettes help smokers quit and can benefit cardiovascular health. Even in the US, recent research suggests any rise in youth vaping has coincided with sharp declines in young people smoking.””



Michael Bloomberg promises to ban all vaping – Bellvitge Preventive Medicine defends vaping – Linda Bauld and Suzi Gage point out it’s still safer than smoking

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Author: Bill Tarling