VAPING NEWS: WHO [Continuing Anti-Vaping Claims]

“The World Health Organisation (WHO) has issued its strongest warning to date about e-cigarettes, claiming they increase the risk of heart disease and lung disorders. They also warned e-cigarettes expose non-smokers and vapers to nicotine and other harmful chemicals and said there was little evidence that they helped smokers to quit. The WHO said governments should consider taxing the products in a similar way as cigarettes and regulating their promotion and use.”

BILL TARLING – The WHO have repeatedly promoted deceptively false and/or misleading claims against e-liquid vapor products, and blocked any pro-vaping supporters from attending their conferences [permitting only anti-vaping organizations and speakers]. The WHO appear to be renewing and enhancing their anti-vaping campaign, blocking efforts for smokers to switch to the less harmful e-liquid vape products.


World Health Organisation: E-cigarettes are harmful to health and are not safe

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Author: Bill Tarling