VAPING NEWS: CANADA [Flavour Ban + Nic Cap + Vape Tax]

“Statement from the Council of Chief Medical Officers of Health on Nicotine Vaping in Canada. Federal action would be preferred to create national consistency, but individual provinces/territories can consider individual action: Ban all flavoured vaping products and then provide regulatory exemptions or market authorizations for a minimum set of flavours to support smokers who choose to use vaping to end or reduce their use of nicotine-containing products. Limit the nicotine content in vaping products, including pods, to a maximum of 20mg/ml (levels lower than this may further decrease the addictive potential for youth) and adopt other appropriate standards regarding nicotine delivery (e.g. temperature, use of nicotine salts) as evidence on vaping products evolves. Tax vaping products in a manner consistent with maximizing youth protection while providing some degree of preferential pricing as compared to tobacco products.”


Statement from the Council of Chief Medical Officers of Health on Nicotine Vaping in Canada

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Author: Bill Tarling