VAPING NEWS: INDONESIA [Muhammadiyah Considers Vaping Forbidden]

“One of Indonesia’s largest Islamic organizations, Muhammadiyah, has officially labeled vaping or the act of consuming e-cigarettes haram. This is mentioned in the Decree No. 01/PER/I.1/E/2020 dated January 14, 2020, in Yogyakarta. “Vaping from e-cigarettes is considered haram as is conventional cigarette smoking. This is categorized in the act of [consciously] endangering oneself,” said Wawan in the gathering of Muhammadiyah regional leaders of Central Java and Yogyakarta. Muhammadiyah has also officially recommended the central government or regional administrations issue policies that completely forbid e-cigarettes and conventional tobacco cigarettes.”


Muhammadiyah Officially Labels Vaping Haram

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Author: Bill Tarling