VAPING NEWS: NEW ZEALAND [Flavor Restrictions + Public Ban]

“Sales of vaping products to under-18s will be banned, flavours restricted and vapers barred from lighting up in smoke-free areas under a law change set to be introduced to Parliament on Monday. Vaping laws will be bought closer to tobacco laws under the proposed law change, including a prohibition on advertising and sponsorship of vaping products and e-cigarettes. But the Government has ruled out a complete ban because it sees vaping as one way to help smokers quit more harmful cigarettes.”


Vaping crackdown: new law will ban under-18s and advertising

“As the bill is currently written, no vaping products will be able to be sold to people under the age of 18, nor are the products able to be advertised or used in sponsorship. Vaping will also be banned from smokefree areas, so people would only be able to vape where cigarettes are allowed to be smoked. Salesa said the bill will also limit general stores – including dairies and service stations – to selling only three flavours: tobacco, mint and menthol. All other flavours will only be able to be sold at licensed vape stores.”


Bill to restrict vaping and e-cigarette sales and use in public

“A Bill is being introduced to Parliament on Monday which includes a total ban on all advertising of smokeless products and no sales to under-18s. It will also ban using e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco in smokefree areas, restrict who can sell them, limit some retailers to only three flavours and give the Ministry of Health powers to recall, suspend and issue warnings about vaping products.”


Government proposes new vaping regulations

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Author: Bill Tarling