VAPING NEWS: UK [BBC Follows Progress Of Smoker Switching To Vaping]

“BBC’s Healthcheck UK Live follows bartender ‘Ace’, a smoker, as he successfully uses vaping to improve his health and reduce his tobacco-related harm. Along the way we meet Dr Nick Hopkinson from the British Lung Foundation, who issues some no-nonsense facts about vaping. Patches made him dizzy, gum tasted foul, so every quit attempt ended in failure. Following a health check by Dr Nick, Ace is “100% there” to starting his next quit attempt. With box mod in hand, Ace compiled a video diary to cover the ensuing weeks. Ace reported feeling a lot more energetic, he’s taken up running and feels much better. He’s been halving his nicotine content of his liquids and is looking forward to stopping using nicotine altogether. Yet again, vaping proves its worth as a tobacco harm reduction and smoking cessation tool.”


Healthcheck UK Live

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Author: Bill Tarling