FROM REGULATOR WATCH – MIND-BENDING HYPOCRISY | Unpacking the ‘Maniacal’ War on Vaping | RegWatch (Live)

Hey! I know this guy! Thanks for having me on Brent and allowing me to vent a bit.

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

Over the years the anti-vaping movement honed the tactics of creating mayhem and misery for those who rely on vaping as a tool for harm reduction.
For vapers, wading through lies and half-truths has long been the daily norm. Yet the mendacity seems to be getting worse, as ideologues in the war on vaping capitalize on recent health scares to plot new attacks intended to stamp-out vaping for good.

In this episode of RegWatch we are joined by Phil Busardo, celebrated YouTube show co-host and prolific vape reviewer. Hear Busardo share his aggravation over the mind-bending hypocrisy of the anti-vaping movement and learn what he thinks could be a winning strategy for vaping.

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Live Stream: Monday, June 8

Sr. Producer: Cindy Schmidt
Exec. Producer: Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by: DEMAND VAPE

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Author: pbusardo