VAPING NEWS: FDA [Approves Tobacco Based Harm Reduction Products But Still Handcuffs E-liquid Vape Products]

“The FDA’s “reduced exposure” finding was a no brainer because IQOS users are exposed to far fewer carcinogenic substances than cigarette smokers. Harm reduction advocates, however, cannot be lured into complacency following this public health victory. The FDA continues to hold vaping products hostage to an onerous and confusing regulatory approval process, despite e-cigarettes being at least 95 percent safer than conventional cigarettes. The agency regularly yanks “unauthorized” products off the shelves, despite little evidence of harms posed to consumers. And bureaucrats continue to needlessly restrict flavored vapes, despite flavors playing a critical role in helping adult smokers transition away from tobacco. It makes no sense for the FDA to strictly regulate e-cigarettes as “tobacco products,” since vapes contain no tobacco. Yet agency officials continue to enforce their strict rules with a heavy hand and restrict options for smokers trying to quit. The FDA should double down on harm reduction and allow tobacco users an array of exit ramps off their deadly habits.”


FDA Makes Giant Leap Forward in Tobacco Harm Reduction

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Author: Bill Tarling