VAPING NEWS: OREGON [65% Wholesale Vape Tax]

“A measure on the November ballot would create Oregon’s first tax on electronic nicotine products and dramatically raise taxes on cigarettes. Opponents of the tax have mounted almost no campaign, raising just $7,000 and inserting two arguments against it in the state voter’s pamphlet, compared to 49 yes arguments from proponents. If voters approve the measure, the state would tax all nicotine vape products, including nicotine-containing liquids and the devices people use to vaporize them, at 65% of a product’s wholesale price. The tax would not apply to marijuana-based products. Taxing vaping products would increase prices for buyers, which would make it less affordable, could help curb what health officials have said is an ever-growing epidemic. The only political action committee campaigning against the proposal, No On 108, has raised $7,000 from four vape shops, one of them in Medford, one in Roseburg and two in Portland.”


Oregon Measure 108 would ratchet up cigarette taxes and create new tax on vape products

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Author: Bill Tarling