FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Cochrane Review | Vapes More Effective to Quit Smoking than Gum or Patch

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

One of the most hotly contested issues with regard to vaping is whether or not e-cigarettes are an effective tool in the battle to stamp out smoking.
The very mention of this possibility sends regulators, tobacco enforcement agents, and anti-vaping advocates into a tither.

In most regions, the vaping industry is prohibited by law from making direct health claims or even suggest that vaping is a viable tool for smoking cessation. Yet, 40-million vapers worldwide attest to their efficacy, and each year more research is published demonstrating what so many already know: Vaping is a highly effective tool to quit smoking.

Joining us today on RegWatch is Dr. Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, from the Cochrane Tobacco Review Group. She is the lead researcher on the Cochrane review of electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation, which released this month and further supports the growing evidence that vaping is an effective tool to quit smoking.

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Released: October 24, 2020

Produced by Brent Stafford

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Author: pbusardo