VAPING NEWS: WHO [Fake Gateway Claim & Anti-Vaping Campaigns]

“The World Health Organization (WHO) says vaping is a gateway to smoking but its own figures show an accelerating decline in teens using tobacco – so where is this gateway? It helps their argument to claim that e-cigarettes are a tobacco product despite the lack of tobacco. The organisation has announced its intention to conduct a 12-month campaign against tobacco so we can all look forward to its stream of lies continuing into 2021 in the lead up to the next Conference of Parties. There is precious little evidence about the addictiveness of nicotine or the long-term risks it poses. Evidence of cardiovascular disease and lung disorders is absent, especially as Stanton Glantz had his work of fiction retracted. Evidence of brain damage came from two disreputable mouse studies and isn’t supported by examples of famous geniuses. If teen vaping rates are genuinely rising in other parts of Europe and the smoking rates continue to fall then either there can be no gateway.”


Where Is The Gateway?

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Author: Bill Tarling