From Scott

Phil, I just wanted to thank you.
I’m 26 years old, and have been smoking for roughly 12 or 13 years. I tried switching to an electronic cigarette back in december, when a brick and mortar store opened in my area. I bought a cheapy ego knockoff with horrible chinese e-liquid that they had in stock. It lasted about 3 days before I returned the device to the store and went back to analogs.

A friend of mine, who has been vaping for about a year and a half now, started linking me your videos trying to get me re-interested in vaping. Finally, I gave in and bought a VZ VV chrome tube (after watching several of your mod reviews, one being on the normal VZ VV) at the end of july, and some juice from bombay.

A month before I ordered the mod I began to work from home, and noticed I was smoking A LOT more than I ever had in the past. My one pack a day habit started peaking upwards to the 1.5 packs a day, and if I had given it any more time, it probably would of gone to two packs.

I’ve had one analog since my mod came in, and that was due to my order from bombay not shipping, and the juice from the other company not making it in time. However, once again, I turned to your videos for help with finding a new supplier while bombay gets their orders shipped out. I tried Rawrvapor, and have not regretted it.

You probably get this a lot, but you (a long with the friend that kept linking me your videos, and the guys at vapeteam) have played a large part in saving my life.

I’ve only made two, now three legitimate attempts at quitting analogs. The first being cold turkey (That only lasted for about 5 to 6 months), and the second mentioned above, but I feel at this point I will not be returning to analogs.

So thank you, Phil, and keep up the great work!

Author: pbusardo