VAPING NEWS: MALAYSIA [80% Want Vape Products Regulated & Taxed]

“A majority of Malaysians, representing 80%, want the government to take more action to regulate the vaping industry of Malaysia. Malaysian Vape Industry Advocacy president Rizani Zakaria said oficial reports from the Ministry of Health (MoH) indicate that there are over one million vapers in Malaysia and yet there are no regulations in place, leaving consumers no choice but to use unregulated products. The poll also saw 87% of Malaysians agreeing that tax should be imposed on vaping products and 74% think the revenue collected could be spent by the government on areas of importance, such as education and the economy.”

BILL TARLING — One issue with such polls (as well as most voting polls) is that those wanting the regulations and taxation often feel so, but not only don’t understand the difference between regulating the products and passing bad regulations that can hinder the benefits they provide. As well, since most of those polled don’t use the product, it’s easy for them to say impose [deterrent] taxes and use it to benefit their needs because (since they don’t use the products) that’s an enticing ‘Free Money’ prospect since they will not be the ones paying — i.e. as long as it’s not coming from their pockets, they feel it’s a wonderful idea to make others pay for it [again, even though that then puts a burden and hindrance on the positive benefits the products have in helping smokers break away from their smoking habit with a proven harm reduction option. People should not be penalized more for wanting a successful and safer alternative to smoking.

ARTICLE LINK: 80% of Malaysians want vape industry regulated

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Author: Bill Tarling