VAPING NEWS: ALBANY COUNTY, NEW YORK [Multi-Unit & Apartment Vape Ban]

“To protect the public health and welfare of its residents, the Albany County Legislature has proposed prohibiting smoking and vaping in indoor common areas of apartments and other multi-unit housing. As the director of respiratory services for St. Peter’s Health Partners, I see first-hand, every day, the health impact smoking and vaping has on individuals’ health. Secondhand smoke is a common trigger for asthma, irritating airways and making it difficult or even impossible to breathe.”

BILL TARLING — The letter/article is by Brandi Ewing, Director, Respiratory Services, St. Peter’s Health Partners — whose expertise is extremely questionable considering their absolute lack of understanding that e-liquid vape products do not produce smoke.

ARTICLE LINK:   Smoking should be prohibited in common areas of multi-unit dwellings

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Author: Bill Tarling