VAPING NEWS: PAVE [Anti-Vaping Agenda To Distort & Ignore The Truth]

“Parents Against Vaping E-Cigarettes (PAVe) have hosted their inaugural “Clear The Vapor Conference” last week. The organisation consists of a group of volunteer ‘moms’ with a venomous contempt for vapers, tobacco harm reduction, and telling the truth. Shamefully, they managed to obtain financial support from CVS Health and convinced a number of “experts” to take part and tell their distorted version of the truth. The event was also sponsored by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, the Truth Initiative, and the American Heart Association. Shortly afterwards, the conference comment section on their website was taken down. Within hours of the conference finishing, someone checked the PAVe YouTube channel and removed the comments from there too.”

ARTICLE LINK:  Crazy PAVeing: An Anti-Ecig Conference

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Author: Bill Tarling