From Jim

Hey Phil,

My name is Jim, I’m 33 and I’m from Buffalo, NY as you may have recognized from my
email address. I am a successful convert to ecigs since the day I received my
Provari on June 2nd. I went straight for a top of the line device after much
research and couldn’t be happier with my decision. So happy I went out and got the
Mini as well which is my favorite. I wanted to say in a formal email that your
reviews are awesome and ultra helpful and you are a major credit to the vaping
community. There’s a ton of info out there and it can be very confusing if your
just getting into this and need help. You make them very fun and I love how you
really try to tear things apart and get an in depth look at a piece of hardware.
Your juice reviews are excellent as well, and I have used a few of your juice
reviews to make a few purchases of my own with good success.

<Questions about the Vivi Nova>

Thanks for your time Phil and keep up the great work. I don’t know how much praise
you get regarding your reviews but one more can’t hurt 🙂
Your doing a tremendous job and I’m in your debt. I look forward to your response
and even if I don’t get one I wanted to say THANKS!


Author: pbusardo